Bring The Glory Back!

The Core Group Retreat marked us all forever. It was a weekend full of God's Glory and tangible presence. We will never be the same. Enjoy these notes from Saturday, October 15, 2022, from Jenny Weaver's message "Bring The Glory Back". Be empowered by the prophetic words from the Lord through both Jenny Weaver and Marqus Beaver and share some key quotes by Jenny on your social media pages! You are free to download, print, and share these notes.

I hope these bless you in Jesus' Name!

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The Core Group changed my spiritual life! It provided a safe place to be free and be myself. I came in broken and now walk in wholeness. You will find what you have been longing and yearning for. You will find what you have been praying for. A sister. A friend. A Mentor.

A leadership that is full of the Glory of God and who is authentic and honorable.

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